Sunday, October 01, 2006

Today's question:

Via Sondra K.

Why the Sam Hill does American courage, blood, sweat, tears, and treasure have to be called on every friggin'’ twenty minutes to pull some blood-soaked pride of predatory madmen off the jugulars of some pitiable flock of defenseless peasants, when all that is required for them to save themselves is to jamb a few pointed sticks into the throats of a few tyrants? Why don'’t they, themselves, take the losses needed to do that? And why do they object when we have to cut the wolf open to save '‘em?

Twenty madmen will eagerly kill three thousand innocents; but, throughout most of the world, three thousand innocents will generally fail to resist twenty madmen. Yeah, I understand the effect of fear and mass on cowardice and courage, and I understand how one'’s immediate society affects the state of fear and perception of mass. What I don'’t understand is why the "“American"” view (for over-simplicity'’s sake) is so much different than for most of the world. I'’m beginning to think that'’s really why they hate us,… and why so many of our despicable countrymen agree with them.

My take? Just because you're born in America doesn't make you a real American. OK, you're an American citizen, but you're not really an AMERICAN. As the Dimocrats prove on a daily basis.

ON FURTHER REVIEW: There's a saying that I've heard bandied about quite a bit a few years ago: "The cowardly never left, and the weak died on the way." It's an explanation for why America succeeded when Europe stagnated, or why we had over a century of exploration from the East coast to the West. It's why we were the first to send a man into space, or why we are the only country to have a man walk on the moon. The cowardly never left, and the weak died on the way. Our forefathers were men and women of courage, and that tradition, or tendency, or mindset or whatever you want to call it was passed down to present generations.

However, just as genetics are passed down, with blue eyes popping up every now and then in a brown eyed family, cowardice seems to have cropped up in many Americans. And unlike previous years, where the cowards were weeded out by nature, we are now at a point in history that we prevent the stupid, weak and cowardly from dying by their own actions. You think I'm kidding? I got two words for ya. Helmet Laws. If someone wants to get on a motorcycle and fly down the interstate wearing nothing but a thong and a pair of sunglasses, that should be their perogative. If they wreck and die, well, that's what you get for being stupid. Seatbelt laws. You want to launch yourself out of your vehicle if you wreck? Your perogative. But no, we can't have that in a modern society, so we protect people from themselves. That should be the last thing we do, because it leads to the hoards of stupid idiots and morons that make up the Dimocrat party. The same people who think that communism just hasn't been done properly. The same brain-dead fucktards who think that cowering and pretending that terrorism doesn't exist will somehow protect them from Islamofacists bent on America's destruction.

So yes, the "American view" quoted above my exist, but there are plenty of so-called Americans who are nothing more than transplanted frenchmen with American citizenship. Bill Whittle once said that being American is a state of mind, not some genealogical make-up, and I agree with him. The problem is that too many non-Americans hold American citizenship. Maybe that could be one of the strongest reasons we should explore and colonize space. So that the cowardly never leave, and the weak die along the way.

I bet there won't be too many Dimocrats in space when we first go.

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