Tuesday, August 01, 2006

More About Qana

Related to TVE's post below:

On the morning of July 30, according to the IDF, the air force came in three waves. In the first, between midnight and one in the morning, there was a strike at or near the building that eventually collapsed. There was a second strike at other targets far from the collapse building several hours later, and a third strike at around 7:30 in the morning. There too the nearest hit was some 460 meters away, according to the IDF. But first reports of a building collapse came only around 8 am.

Thus there was an unexplained 7 to 8 hour gap between the time of the helicopter strike and the building collapse. Brigadier General Amir Eshel, Head of the Air Force Headquarters, in a press briefing, told journalists that "the attack on the structure in the Qana village took place between midnight and one in the morning. The gap between the timing of the collapse of the building and the time of the strike on it is unclear."
I must admit I am having trouble keeping it all clear in my role as a part time analyst of the event (har). One of the things the "Hezbollah Staged It" crowd are saying is that the bodies show signs of rigor mortis in the early morning just an hour after the collapse. But what if the collapse occured at the initial strike "between midnight and one in the morning"? Then rigor mortis at 0900 would be consistent.

I guess this is where lack of intrepid and objective reporting adds to "the fog of war".

Who says the strike occured "between midnight and one in the morning"? Who says the building collpase occured at 0800 or thereabouts?

Who in the MSM are digging deep to cover this story?

Confederate Yankee: Were the Qana Bodies Staged?

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin gathers the research here.

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