Thursday, March 16, 2006

Feingold's censure motion

All you need to know about the Democrat's motion to censure President Bush can be summed up in one paragraph:

Feingold: I say we censure Bush!
Frist: OK, fine. Let's vote on it right now!
Reed and other worthless Dimocrat fucksticks: HOW DARE YOU MAKE US VOTE ON IT RIGHT NOW!

Well, either you want it or you don't. This is nothing more than another political ploy by a political party that is so bankrupt of ideas that all they can do is whine and seeth and attack a president who won't even be running for re-election. They STILL have no ideas. They STILL have no plans to improve this country. All they have are socialist ideas that have been proven failures, and a pathalogical hatred of President Bush.

Way to go, Dimocrats. I'm sure that'll win votes in November.

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