Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Because You Can't Control Your Sexual Behavior

South Dakota is banning abortion. I applaud them. Predictably, leftists bray that women will be "forced" into ripping the lives they create out of their bodies with coat hangers. But one feminist group has provided a How-To Guide for murdering your unborn baby. The goal is to provide a more clinical approach to the ghoulish act. Ya know, just like when you engage in commerce with an individual who's business it is to kill the unborn. They provide a nice cozy hot-chocolate and blankets-right-out-of-the-dryer experience for self-centered irresponsible women who live at the mercy of their sexual impulses and don't believe in using space age conception control devices like "condoms" or putting a child up for adoption. Check this, and remember, this is par for the course in an abortion:
"Most pieces of fetal material will come out with a simple tug on the forceps (again, don't be too afraid to use force and put a bit of muscle into it). However, at 13-14 weeks the fetal head may be slightly big to bring out. Pinch it with the forceps and take it out in pieces, as well."

Jeffrey Dahmer might not find that utterly ghastly. What ever happened to that guy? Must have missed his calling.
"When you feel the curettage and removal is complete, make sure you examine the fetal material you have already extracted. If you're missing anything obvious -- for instance, a head -- make sure to find and remove it."

This is soooooo much better than controlling your sexual impulses and practicing responsible sexual behavior. Sooooo much better than giving birth to a live human baby and putting it up for adoption, or *gasp* taking care of him or her yourself! Can't have that!

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