Friday, October 21, 2005

Ok, I admit it...

The theory implied by my prior post is a conspiracy theory. As I explained in its comments section, the theory if reduced to bare bones would be:
What if Bush actually wants the Miers nomination to be rejected by the Senate? For that to happen the conservative base would have to tell their Senators to vote "no." If Miers were defeated by the "right" [or a coalition from both the left and the right] that would make it much easier to nominate someone like Janice Rogers Brown for the Supreme Court, and if the demonrats filibuster, no one could blame the republicans for using the nuclear option.
Ok, the theory has flaws, or at least the strategy has flaws which I pointed out - it's why I don't like it (too much uncertainty). Maybe you're right TVE. Maybe I've just "dealt with the vile left long enough" to have been warped by their conspiracy theories. You're probably right in that things are exactly as they appear to be. But I don't have to like it. And by the way, my loyalty is to my own reason and logic first. I'm not in the habit of accepting any assertion on blind faith, but I'll be happy to wait until the November 7 hearings before commenting further on the Miers nomination, though I probably won't have time to watch them.

P.S.: I said the "Harriet Miers's Blog" is a spoof. Sorry if there was any confusion about that. It did serve as a starting point for my post last, this morning I mean. I have also read some things Miers has written at the site, which I also linked to in this morning's post. I guess I should have changed the title of the post after writing it. Hey, I'm human, and yesterday was another long day at work. I'd say TGIF but I have to work tomorrow, too. I'm not sorry about the post itself though - it wouldn't be much fun if we all agreed on everything.

I have just one final thought to share on this subject: I just can't help wondering whether we've become so used to liberals constantly blaming Bush for everything, so used to lefties claiming failure no matter what the outcome of any decision made by "this administration," that we defend Bush no matter what. Why aren't the lefties attacking Miers like they did Roberts? If they are happy with the pick, I'm not happy. LiberalLooneyLefties have been constantly denouncing George W. for not having godlike powers to stop hurricanes or land Air Force One on the Superdome and part the waters of Lake New Orleans like Moses, for not preventing 9/11, for not making gas prices lower, for not having better information than all of the intelligence agencies of the Western European countries as well as our own CIA, etc, etc. Well, guess what? He's human. George W. does what he thinks is the right thing to do, and I like that about him, it's why I trust him, but he can be wrong and saying so is not disloyalty. Saying Bush was wrong about everything is just deranged, BDS is a suicide cult, but I'm at least willing to consider the possibility that Bush could be wrong about this.

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