Monday, July 04, 2005

OK guys, knock it off!

It seems that this Fourth of July, we have several bloggers down in the dumps and pessimistic over the future of this country.

Stop it. Now.

Kim du Toit has a list of everything going wrong in the country today, and I can't disagree with him on any of his points. But both bloggers linked to above fail to remember the one important fact that has been made time and time again.

This country is still the best hope for freedom and prosperity.

Or to put it in another light: Where else are you going to go? Despite the government attempting to take our rights away, we as Americans have more rights today than citizens of ANY OTHER COUNTRY. So where else are you going to go? To some socialist shithole where your guns are confiscated, your taxes raise to astronomical levels, and your privacy violated daily at the whim of the State?

Nope. Not me. THIS is my country, and THIS is where I'm staying. If there is to be a war for our rights, let it be here, not some country where the population is ambivalent to the extreme.

This is the country who's Constitution I've sworn to protect from all enemies, foreign and domestic. And if that means that I take the battle to the bureaucrats and parasites on Capitol Hill, then that's what I do. If that means that we hit the reset button, that's what we do. WE HAVE THAT OPTION. Other countries do not.

Perhaps instead of mourning, as Kim du Toit would do, we should get off our asses and remember just what made this country great, and work to move it back in that direction. And if you find that the task is impossible, then we do what the Constitution allows us to do and throw off the shackles of the government that oppresses us. If the State of Texas finally decided that it had had enough, and severed all ties to the United States, what do you think would happen?

Not bloody much. With the surrender monkeys fully in charge of the Democrat Party, and most of the Republican Party wondering where the conservatives are in their elected representatives, there would be hand-wringing, wailing, and name calling, but I guaran-damn-TEE that you wouldn't see American troops marching into Austin. And if they WERE ordered to march, you wouldn't have a damn shot fired. You think we enjoy being bossed around by a group of communist shit-suckers? Hell no. Take back Texas? Yeah right, Hillary. Kiss my freedom loving ass while I relocate to Texas, and then YOU come try to take it back FROM me.

The bottom line in all of this is that we can't afford to have people like Kim and Ogre crying into their cups. We need them proud, pissed off, and still fighting for the American dream that they love. Because if the patriots among us lose heart, then we lose the battle. And it IS a battle, people. It's a battle for a way of life that may slip out of our grasp if we let it.

I'm damn sure not going to let it slip away from me. I'm an American who knows just what that title means, and so is Kim, and Ogre, when they're finished moping around. So the both of you: Take a cold shower, have your wives slap your faces a bit, go burn off some ammo, do whatever you need to do in order to get your mind on the right track.

The battle isn't lost until you give up. I'm not giving up, and I hope that my allies in this fight don't give up either. So, damnitall...


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