Friday, June 17, 2005

Another Take on the Democrats

So, just another way of looking at the Democrat's whining, shrieking hysterics over Guantanamo....

After seeing how the Democrats are wetting themselves over supposed abuse, after having Democrats compare America to Nazi Germany, after having Democrats declare that Gitmo is like a Soviet gulag, after seeing Democrats fawn and whimper over the terrorists that we have locked up at Gitmo, and after seeing the Democrats do anything and everything possible to destroy the very system we have set up to contain and interrogate these terrorists...

How can anyone say that Democrats are serious about keeping this country safe?

And on that note, I give you Cold Fury.

But even more than that, it should force the Dems and their AHL (that’s America-Hating Lefty to you, Poindexter – ahem) base to explain exactly why they’ve virulently opposed every last move we’ve made in fighting terrorism and bringing the 9/11 attackers and their brethren in blind hate to justice.

Because they certainly have. They’re fond of denying it now, but at the time they loathed the idea of going after al Qaeda’s Taliban protectors, and ginned up all sorts of reasons why we couldn’t and shouldn’t do it. They’ve resisted, cavilled, and kvetched about the very idea of a war on Islamic fundamentalist terrorism since the beginning. They’ve said we wouldn’t win; they’ve said we couldn’t, or even shouldn’t. They’ve blamed American foreign policy going back thirty years and more for the scourge of terrorism; they’ve claimed it all stems from poverty, or oppression, or intolerance, or the Joooooz™, or oooiiiiiil, or some other damned thing. They’ve sought to scapegoat every American administration except Clinton’s and Carter’s for the problem. They’ve looked under every rock they could think of for someone to blame, as long as that someone isn’t A) an Islamic fundamentalist, B) an actual terrorist, or C) a Democrat.

Let's keep showing that the Democrats cannot be trusted to protect this country. Ram it down their throats every chance you get. Keep showing it, like a big scarlet letter that the Democrats must be forced to wear around their necks. Because if this country ever comes under Democrat control, we can expect another 9-11. The Democrats won't prevent it. They won't even try.

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