Tuesday, April 12, 2005

So anyways....

Captain's Quarters has been following the scandals up in Canada regarding the Liberal Party's corruption and other sundry problems. Most of the problems stem from something called AdScam, which the Canadian government tried to cover up without success.

Here's my train of thought: Does anyone think that things are different in the USA?

Look at modern politics. Gerrymandering, soft money, hard money, 527's vs. PAC's, lobbying (legal bribery by a different name), all manner of questionable actions are being performed by the politicians here in the USA. Tom DeLay is under fire for supposedly going on a trip with a lobbyist. Hmmmmm... when you look at the records, Nancy Pelosi and Jim McDermott did the exact same thing. Hell, Jim McDermott went on an exact same trip from the exact same group that Tom Delay went on!

The lying, the hypocrisy, the double dealing, the sheer sliminess that oozes out of Washington D.C. on a daily basis is so foul and putrid that normal people gag from the sight of it. This isn't just one party, this is in my opinion deep-seated corruption and rot of the modern political process.

Looking at the problems that the Canadian government is having, how much do people think that the USA has many of the same problems? I say that if we were to dig into the going-ons of American politicians, we'd find plenty of offenses. We just either can't see it or are prevented from digging far enough to expose it.

Anyone else want to give their opinion?

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