Monday, March 14, 2005

On Illegal Aliens and National ID Cards

Just another reason to avoid national ID cards like the plague. Whenever someone talks about having a National ID card for "security" reasons, ask why the government can't stop illegal aliens from working at nuclear power plants, sub bases, MRE factories, or aircraft maintainence facilities. All of which you need a social security number to work at.

Y'know, those highly secured numbers that are controlled by the Federal government? Yeah, those. Tell me again how a government that can't even maintain security over numbers that indicade tax dollars coming into the treasury for decades is supposed to control the security of a national ID card. They can't, flat out. Any claims of added security are bullshit.

Found via DANEgerus

And speaking of DANEgerus, he's still on a role with this entry on the failure of the Has-Been Media to account for their complete and total abdecation of any journalistic standards.

Readership and audiences of the mainstream media are dropping like a stone, but the reporting by the mainstream media on Rathergate and Easongate give little sign that anyone understands why. CJR Daily managing editor Steve Lovelady gave a pretty accurate consensus of the mainstream media's view of what the real problem was: the bloggers did it! Rather and Jordan went down, he said, because: "The salivating morons who make up the lynch mob prevail."

If it takes “salivating morons” to get major news organizations to clean up their acts and remember Journalism 101, may they slobber on -- before the American people stop paying any attention to big media at all. In the end, as The Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz points out, Jordan only resigned “following a relentless campaign by online critics but scant coverage in the mainstream press.” Those of us in mainstream media had better ask why we didn’t do a better job ourselves.

If you think that the media bias is all hooey, go read this. Modern journalists are blaming their problems on the blogosphere, which is partially the case. But as usual with the Has-Been Media, it's only half the story.

Let's be frank - If Dan Rather and Mary Mapes hadn't been such left-leaning individuals, if they and people like them hadn't turned CBS into just another mouth of the Democratic Party, if they hadn't have run OBVIOUSLY FAKE MEMOS as a leading story, if they hadn't tried to cover up SUCH CONCLUSIVELY FAKE MEMOS, if they hadn't defended Dan Rather who tried to defend HORRIBLY FAKE MEMOS, then the blogosphere really wouldn't have had much to talk about. Yeah, we'd bitch and moan about how Dan Rather was a leftist turd, but we would not have been able to prove that he used FAKE AS A THREE DOLLAR BILL MEMOS as a top story. But he did. And he's still a Leftist asshat who's so caught up with his own self-importance that he refuses to admit that he used FAKE AS PAMELA ANDERSON'S BREASTS MEMOS, even though everybody and their uncle knows that they're fake. And then the Has-Been Media wonders why viewership is at an all time low?

Is the blogosphere a problem for the media? Yes. But only because the media, by and large, has no ethics, no standards, no fact-checking, no spin control, and no bias control. The media, by and large, is worthless.

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