Monday, July 19, 2004

Retaining your Humanity

Here's a question: How many people out there can kill without remorse?

Seriously, how many? How many people do YOU know who could? Even in the Army, we weren't taught to kill for fun, we trained on it and practiced it and learned it because it would save our life. As a MP, we trained on it and practiced it and learned it because it might save someone else's life. But nowhere, even at some backwoods rifle range, did I ever hear anyone say that killing people was fun.

When I slaughter animals, I still feel a twinge of regret about ending a life. I do it because I have to eat, plain and simple. But I don't get any joy out of killing an animal, it's simply a part of nature, and I feel better knowing that the animal was killed painlessly rather than slaughtered in some massive farm-owned slaughterhouse.

So my question is this: How can someone look at a sonogram, and see the proof of three small hearts beating, and decide to remove two of them just for convenience's sake? "Oh Honey, look, I'm pregnate with triplets. Let's get rid of one or two so we don't have to shop at Costco."

When we saw the specialist, we found out that I was carrying identical twins and a stand alone. My doctors thought the stand alone was three days older. There was something psychologically comforting about that, since I wanted to have just one. Before the procedure, I was focused on relaxing. But Peter was staring at the sonogram screen thinking: Oh, my gosh, there are three heartbeats. I can't believe we're about to make two disappear. The doctor came in, and then Peter was asked to leave. I said, ''Can Peter stay?'' The doctor said no. I know Peter was offended by that.

How can you just end two lives, and still retain that little spark that makes you human? How can you inject two hearts with sodium chloride and call yourself compassionate? How can you make a deliberate decision to end two lives only for the sake of your own personal comfort, and call yourself "loving"?

You can't. And the worst part isn't just that these two lives were ended so a selfish bitch could continue living the pampered life. No, the worst part is that one child is still alive, and living with this thing. I won't even call her a "mother". A mother doesn't kill her children just because she doesn't like Costco. A mother doesn't decide that her personal comfort is more important that someone else's life.

That poor child has to grow up in a house with that thing. Pray for him.

You can read more about it at The Rottweiller, Michelle Malkin, and Allah Pundit. As for me, I'm a little too sick in the stomach to go on about it any more. What a vile, greedy, uncaring bitch.

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