Monday, June 14, 2004

Nuclear Iran

Am I the only person getting worried about this?

VIENNA, Austria — Momentum is building at a 35-nation conference to take Iran to task for hindering a U.N. probe of its nuclear agenda.

Liberals love to talk about "warmongering" conservatives, while ignoring the fact that the Mad Mullahs of Iran have all but guaranteed a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv the moment they get their hands on a functioning nuke. You want a nuclear war? Let one of the turbaned terrorist tumblefucks get a nuke.

As much as I like George Bush, I know that he doesn't have the balls to do what needs to be done: Find where the Mad Mullahs have their nuke research facilities, and bomb the living hell out of them. I hope that Israel does it. I hope they blast the hell out of any Iranian leader dumb enough to THINK about pushing the big red button. Because if Iran has their way, Israel is going to be a sea of glass. And you can bet your bottom dollar that if Israel sees nukes headed their way, both Mecca and Medina as well as Tehran are going to be glowing for a long time.

It's not the conservatives that want to see nukes lobbed around like water balloons. It's the J.E.R.M.s that are itching to push the button. If Iran gets a working nuke, you can expect the shitstorm to start about 15 seconds after they aquire it.

And that worries me.


Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you dipshits need some more thorazine. Better skeedaddle to your skrink and address your profound paranoia.
Let's hope that idiot Shrub doesn't go pushing any buttons. In January we will have someone with a brain to run this country. And it won't be an idiotic repug.

Ragin' Dave said...

Right, I offer my worries and speculation about a group of people who's stated goal is GENOCIDE getting their hands on a nuke, and you offer....


The Left really has no answers, do they? They don't even have a clue about the world in general. All they have is outdated cliches, debunked memes, worthless talking points and insults. Thank you for reinforcing that point.

Anonymous said...

I posted that and if you think I'm a're wrong. I have been a registered Republican for 45 years and I am appalled by people like yourself who bring us down in stature. Quit playing the 'game' and try to be a little more professional. It will help all of us 'righties' in the long run.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that you so-called rightists best hope Bush gets his ass booted. He isn't even close to being a Republican...he is an idiot repug.

Ragin' Dave said...

You're not a "righty", you're a fucking dipshit! And I see that you STILL have no answers or ideas about a nuclear armed Iran! Way to stay on topic there, you fucking moron!

You can call yourself a Republican, but I'll just call you what you really are. A fucking braindead sack of shit with your head shoved so far up your ass that you lick your spleen every time you open your ignorant piehole! You're a fucking joke! A mockery of coherent thought! A worthless poltroon and a paragon of idiocy! A shit-smear on the rumpled bedsheets of humanity!


Why don't you pull your head out of your ass, grow the fuck up, and actually contribute something to this thread beyond utter bullshit and hot air?

Anonymous said...

You make my point so well. I like to forward your ignorant rants to different Republican that we can arm ourselves with the assurances that true Republicans do not act in this way.
You rant like you need to bring yourself to a level that no one else sees you at. You are a deprived soul and that probably stemmed from being a mess hall rat during you alleged service in the armed forces.
Keep ranting...we find profound humor in it.

Ragin' Dave said...

Keep lying, you anonymous fuckwit. You're a lying sack of shit, and you know it.

I find it especially funny that a cowardly stupid fuck like yourself feels the need to question MY service! Although I suppose that if I were some fucking cowardly sack of shit hiding behind a computer screen, I could talk big all I wanted to as well.

Ragin' Dave said...


Jeebus, you lie, you're a stuck-up fuckwit, and you're a coward hiding behind a computer screen. You're so far from conservative that it's not even funny.

Were you BORN that fucked in the head, or did you just eat a lot of paint chips as an infant?