Monday, June 07, 2004

Holy Hell!

This falls into the category "Things I wish I had written"!

Remember that stuff at the top of this rant I said I believed? I got news for you, cupie-doll, those guys you're rooting for don't. They really don't. They want to see your gay friends dead, they want to see your daughters and sisters slaves in their own homes, they do not tolerate any religion not their specific sect. They want the word of a man in their religious courts to trump the word of any woman. They believe in the concept of racism: of second- and third-class people, and believe this "truth" comes from God. They want to strap your child to explosives and send your child into the homes of their enemies. They're not liberal. They're not poor and oppressed, they're wealthy beyond your feeble imagination and drive fleets of cars out of your pricerange. They're not oppressed underdogs yearning to be free. They're illiberal medievalists, and you think they're just dandy.

And yet you drool at the idea that they kill our Marines and Soldiers, and you hope they win because it makes Bush look bad. You, a so-called "progressive", a self-proclaimed Liberal, rooting and cheering for people as anti-liberal as you can get. You gleefully call Bush a Nazi while ignoring the real fascists. Nice going, slick. How the hell do you sleep at night, you brainless wonder?

Right - you're a brainless wonder. Nevermind.

That's just a small part of it.

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