Wednesday, May 05, 2004

John Fonda Kerry Smears Viet Nam Vets Yet Again

One of the things that made me want to beat the snot out of John Fonda Kerry was listening to him intone on and on about his "Band of Brothers" from Viet Nam. Every other sentance is a reference to his service in Viet Nam. (Gee, it's almost like he has no other issues to run on!) After the way his backstabbed, lied about, and slandered the military members who served in Viet Nam, he now wanted to use his service as a way of deflecting any questions about himself.

So when some of that "Band of Brothers" decided that they wanted nothing to do with him, and said so publicly, what does John Fonda Kerry do? He does what any good Democrat does. Lie, slander, attack, and insult. (as usual, all emphasis is mine)

Since their activities have hit the news, these Navy veterans are again taking incoming fire. Predictably, they are being accused of being partisan shills. In an ironic echo of the past, they're being dismissed as "bitter alcoholics." But, these men are determined to fight one more battle to salvage the reputations of the tens of thousands who served honorably. It's not about partisan politics they explain, it's a "veterans' issue." If the Democrats "had a fit choice for president we'd go home." They "do not want Senator Kerry to be commander-in-chief of our brave and honorable men."

Also check out that JunkYard Blog link to see just how the mass media is handling everything. Their liberal agenda shows through more and more with each passing day.

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