Thursday, January 15, 2004

Carol Mosely Braun drops out.

What, you mean a Democrat from Illinois who held her Senate seat only one term and got publicly blasted for her affinity with Nigerian dictators by the Clinton State Department, and who ran on a platform consisting entirely of "I'm black. I'm a woman. Vote for me.", wasn't considered electable enough to become the Democratic candidate for President? Shocking.

Now if the Democrats can just remember that Dean is McGovern reincarnated, Kerry and Edwards are polling worse than Dean, no one knows why the hell Wesley Clark is so popular (given that no one who isn't a pundit can actually name anything the man has ever actually done), Lieberman couldn't help Gore's campaign (and therefore how the hell could he expect to run his own, especially without Gore's support), Kucinich is a nut, Sharpton isn't much better, and Gephardt is... well, commie bastard is the first word that comes to mind, we can all get through this election season with a minimum of headache.

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