Monday, October 13, 2003

Monday, Monday

Altough this would really be my Wednesday, since I worked through the weekend. Meh. Who cares, my work weeks are all screwy anyways.

So, what's new for today? Well, besides Tim's prolific postings (which you DID go read, right? Right?) we have another good den Beste post. As usual, he takes the subject and nails it to the wall, the subject in this case being the cheese eating surrender money French ambassador saying that the US and France should "work together".

Work together means that the US should forget everything that France has said and done over the last two years, forget that it is the publicly avowed policy of the French political class to try to limit American power and influence, and to once again embrace the French as friends and allies.

Work together means that the French have no real power to force us to do anything, and thus can only manipulate us if we're naive and trusting. As long as we're suspicious, they no longer have any ability to shaft us, and they'd like us to drop our defenses so they can shaft us again.

And sending a powerful political message of empowerment to the Iraqi people means making sure that democracy fails there so that America gets no benefit from invading, even indirectly.

Now, anyone who knows me also knows that I think France should be bombed flat and turned into a parking lot/amusement park for our true allies, the British. Not only would the Brits enjoy all that Mediteranian coastline, it would prevent France from becoming the first EUnich country to fall under shari'a law. But SDB is correct in that by engaging in "Fruitfull Dialogue" with the French, we end up losing something. In order for dialogue to be fruitfull in the first place, both sides have to bring SOMETHING to the table. France has nothing. France has less than nothing. France is a one hundred pound lead weight tied around the neck of humanity, the embodiment of everything nasty, vile, foul, and corrupt in the Human Race. There's never been a Marxist dream too large or a tyrannical dictator too corrupt for France to swap spit with. We shouldn't be talking to France, unless our side of the conversation includes "Shut the hell up Chiraq, or we'll turn the 'City of Lights' into the 'City that kinda glows alot', if you know what I'm saying". "Fruitfull Dialogue" with France is the very thing we should be AVOIDING.

France has already announced it's intentions loud and clear. They want to be the counter to us, the USA. They want to be the next great superpower, to counter our influence. Go read some of Chiraq's ramblings about what he wants the EU to be. Not what he wants France to be, but what he wants the EU to be. What HE wants. This man's arrogance knows no bounds.

More from SDB: Which is why the 1980 election was a pure demonstration of exactly the attitude in America that the Europeans dislike most, as proved by the outcome: in 1980 we replaced Carter with Ronald Reagan.

But somehow they still think that it's all temporary, something we'll outgrow. All the calls for "healing", for "new cooperation", for "working together", really mean only this: "Have you come to realize just how unwise and wrong-headed you've been? Are you ready to start listening to us yet?"

"Healing" means America stops doing things the Europeans don't like. "New cooperation" means that America cooperates with Europe, not the other way around. "Working together" means American surrender.

Clinton, Carter, hell just about any Donk will be a whore for the EUnich glitterati, the European elite, because they have the same attitudes. "We know best. We're the ones who should make the decisions, not you." Hell, Billy Boy Clinton couldn't have whored himself any more for the EUnichs. Maybe that's part of the reason Algore lost.

Too many of Europe's leaders still live in a retro-fantasy that Europe can somehow once again dominate the world, as it did in the golden years of the 16th through 19th centuries. So they agree to grandiose plans to make Europe the most competitive economy in the world in just ten years (3 of which have already elapsed), while their economies are going into the toilet and are holding back the rest of the world. They promise to build up militarily but contemplate cuts in defense spending. They praise themselves for their clout, ignoring how little clout they actually have. They strut and bluster and preen, offer unsolicited advice to others, get angry and resentful when their advice is ignored, and take great pleasure and satisfaction from those few cases when they've been able to say, "I told you so!"

EUnichistan can't stand the fact that they're now backseat drivers in the world's highways. As I saw on one blog (the comments from Silent Running) "The world wouldn't worry so much what the US did or did not do if they would grow some balls and make some decisions themselves." Europe needs to decide just what they're doing, because so far their socialist ponzi schemes and suffocating government have made them insignificant on the world's stage.

And let's face it, Europe's stance on us isn't very favorable. Blackfive found a free-lance reporter from Paris who writes about Europe's distain for Americans.

One of my favorite quotes from the article comes from Jordi Carreno, a Spanish architect, when he was asked what he would like to see in a new president in 2005.

“A little bit of humility and cooperation in those items that the rest of the world cares about like global warming, globalization, and responsibility toward the U.N.”

And I like Blackfive's response to that:

Responsibility toward the U.N.? What about responsibility of the UN to follow through on its own resolutions?

What you want is our humility to kiss Europe’s arrogant ass. No thanks, I am not signing up for that. You can keep hating me and my president…

While I wait to see if Eunichistan is going to continue swirling the toilet or finally get flushed, I'll keep going with my supposed arrogance. At least we as a country can back up what we say. EUnichistan, on the other hand, kowtows to an un-elected group of thugs who were proud to put countries who A) shoot dissidents (Cuba) B) force abortion on women (China), and C) allow slavery (Sudan) in charge of their "Human Rights Committee", with another un-elected terrorist (Libya) as it's chairman. Bravo. Let's not forget that the UN was also going to put a country who had violated 17 different UN resolutions demanding disarmament over 12 years in charge of it's Disarmament Chair. Bravo again.

I'll take American Arrogance over EUnich slavery anyday.

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