Monday, September 22, 2003

Things I wish I'd written

While surfing Kim du Toit's site, I found a quote that I wish I'd written. Kim wishes he'd written it as well.

"It's one thing for Donks (or anyone, for that matter) to put out disinfo for partisan political purposes, but when it becomes obvious that they really believe their own shit, it's time to worry. These loons, despite my best efforts to educate them, still see Bill Clinton's Lewinsky blow job as an isolated case of bad behavior, unfairly pounced on by evil Republicans who used it to impeach him. Absent from their equation are the 1992 goon squads sent out to threaten a legion of Bill's "Bimbo" victims into silence. Or several credible accusations of rape. Or his perjury during court proceedings. Or his involvement in Chinagate or, yes Watergate (and, no, the Starr report did not exonerate the Clintons from a crime that put everyone else involved into prison). Every major newspaper in the nation independently counted every Florida vote from the 2000 election, and not one could report a viable scenario that put Al Gore into the White House, but the fucktards still persist. Every major voting fraud uncovered in recent memory has been Democratic, yet they worry about it? We're talking seriously impaired fucktards, boys and girls."

Indeed. Kim also has a post about Britan's National Health Care system.

Ambulancemen refused to lift a 90-year-old war hero from the floor when he fell at his house in Cookham Dean, Berkshire. Air Marshal Sir Patrick Dunn, DFC, who weighs less than 10 stone, was left lying where he fell for an hour, according to his wife, in spite of his pleas for help

Lady Dunn, 92, said that the two paramedics who answered her 999 call claimed that "regulations" prevented them from lifting her husband until special equipment arrived. They agreed to lift him only when they were told by their control room that the ambulance carrying the equipment had been diverted to another emergency.

When you hear the Donks blather about a "single-payer system", hit them. Hard. And start asking questions. If a national healthcare system is so grand, why are Canadians flocking over into America to have surgeries? That's one that always makes them stutter. Check out the wait times for surgery in Canada, folks. I've dealt with one person who had to wait TWO FUCKING MONTHS for BREAST CANCER TREATMENT! TWO FUCKING MONTHS! My mother had breast cancer. It was the scariest part of my families life, but from discovery to surgery it was less than a month. Mamogram (which was inconclusive), biopsey (because the doctor didn't like the mamogram), lab results (showed cancer), and surgery (double masectomy), all in less than a month. If she had been Canadian, and waited two months for treatment, she might not be alive today. That's not just stupid, that's criminal.

Just remember. Frances national healthcare system killed HOW MANY elderly people this summer? The last number I heard was 15,000, but I have a feeling that's somewhat overblown.

Libertarian Samizdata has found the rarest of rare things: a politician he respects. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas gave a speech before the House of Representatives, urging congress to reject UN gun control.

Over the past decade, the UN has waged a campaign to undermine gun rights protected by the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has called on members of the Security Council to “tackle” the proliferation and “easy availability” of small arms and light weapons. Just this June, the UN tried to “tackle” gun rights by sponsoring a “Week of Action Against Small Arms.” Of course, by small arms, the UN really means all privately owned firearms.

Secretary Annan is not the only globalist calling for international controls on firearms. For example, some world leaders, including French President Jacques Chirac, have called for a global tax on firearms. Meanwhile, the UN Security Council’s “Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Small Arms” calls for a comprehensive program of worldwide gun control and praises the restrictive gun polices of Red China and France!

From my cold dead hands, you gun-grabbing dictators. Does that sound harsh? Does that send the Leftists into a finger-shaking tizzy? GOOD!

I would remind my colleagues that policies prohibiting the private ownership of firearms were strongly supported by tyrants such as Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung.

Hmmmmm, all people who the Donks either idolize, or try to emulate! Why am I not suprised!

I'll be back, raging a bit more later. Work calls.

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