Wednesday, July 23, 2003

The mind of a progressive

This has probably been blogged to death, but it's still got me so pissed off that I can't see strait.

For those who don't know, there are a few Berkleyites who felt the urge to try to find out what made a person conservative.

Now, let's try to forget the slant and bias of two uber-liberals from Berkley trying to point out what makes one conservative. Let's try to overlook the waste of money on a study that does absolutely nothing. And let's try to accept the fact that these two "academics" have probably never met a conservative in their soft, cushy, non-working lives. Let's check out the points that they THINK make someone conservative.

1) Fear and aggression
2) Dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity
3) Uncertainty avoidance
4) Need for cognitive closure
5) Terror management

Well, to say the least, all the liberals are in one big self-congradulatory circle jerk, nodding their heads and saying "Mmm-hmmm, I knew it all along!" While the anger that this display of arrogance, condesention, and outright idiocy has made a good portion of the country spitting mad. However, there was someone who could put it into words much better than me. The Imperial Paladin. And he came out with a few points of his own, on what makes a person liberal.

1) Hatred of the United States of America
2) Complete support for the "Palestinian Arab" point of view
3) Belief in suicide bombing as a legitimate means of political self-expression
4) Inability to make an actual decision on what is good or bad
5) Appreciation of the terrorist point of view on 9/11
6) Hatred of anyone from the West who expresses a desire of self-defense

And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Now I ask you, after watching the protests of the past year, and looking at the people rioting and screaming and acting like loons.....

Can you say that he's wrong?

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